About Arjen (1976-2023)
Every time Arjen went to one of the polar area’s he felt very privileged to be able to see and experience such area’s. From the first moment he set foot on Spitsbergen, he fell in love with these areas. Many years later, he still got excited by every sighting of a Polar Bear, Walrus or Ivory Gull. But he also enjoyed the landscape (or better: icescape), the glaciers, even the smell of a bird colony. Above all he enjoyed the silence and desolateness, being away from the hectic life we’ve got used to (or not). No cell phone coverage, news always comes one week late, only a few e-mails. Life over there is just about wildlife, weather, scenery and good pictures. But unfortunately these area’s change. Over the years Arjen has seen change with his own eyes. Glaciers withdraw at an alarming speed, sea ice extent in summer is much less as it used to be. For the polar ecosystem, ice is very important, comparable to the soil of a forest. If the soil is gone, the forest will be gone too. That forest was one of his other passions. Not really the small pieces we have in the Netherlands, but the vast area’s just south of the Arctic. True wilderness areas, like the Arctic itself. Most of the time Arjen spent abroad that isn’t spent in the Arctic, he went to Scandinavia. In these places, he found peace and quietness and he loved to wander around hoping to find a glimpse of a Moose or even a Brown Bear.
Not many people have the privilege to visit areas like this. Over the years he gained quite some knowledge and experiences, first as a scientist later as a guide. Arjen felt it was his duty to share his passion for these areas with other people. Through his stories, lectures and pictures he hoped to create more awareness for these distant but rapid changing area’s. We hope this website can help a little in that goal.
Sadly Arjen passed away on January 4th 2023. To honour his legacy we want to keep his website online and let visitors enjoy Arjens photography and video’s.
All pictures on this website are protected by copyright. It is not allowed to use any of them without prior notice of the caretakers of this website. If you want to use any of the pictures in a commercial way, the stock agency Buiten-Beeld sells Arjens pictures, an overview of all his pictures can be found here.
If you have any questions about Arjens work or anything else, feel free to contact the caretakers of this website.
Ageeth and Geert
“Ik voel me nog steeds bevoorrecht dat ik zulke speciale en kwetsbare plekken kan bezoeken. Als tegenprestatie vind ik dan ook dat ik andere mensen hiervan zoveel mogelijk mee moet laten genieten. Deels natuurlijk tijdens het gidsen, maar ook vooral thuis, door middel van mijn foto’s, via m’n website, Nederpix, verhalen voor de klas en andere lezingen. Op die manier kunnen meer mensen genieten van de pracht van dat gebied. Stiekem hoop ik dat het ook ergens iets doet met het natuurbewustzijn en dat we iets voorzichtiger met onze aarde om zullen springen.“
“I still feel privileged to be able to visit these special and vulnerable places. In return, I believe that I should let other people enjoy this as much as possible. Partly while guiding, but also at home, through my photos, through my website, Nederpix, stories in front to the classroom and my lectures. In this way, more people can enjoy the beauty of this area. And I secretly hope that it will also create some awareness to be more careful with our planet.”
Arjen Drost